Tuesday 29 October 2013

 Word of the week: Grotesque.
"Grotesque: A way of moving in a disturbing, and horrific way. This involves facial expression, body language and also movement." It is always over the top and very extreme, it is exaggerated and reflects a horrible movement in any way. A good example of this could be an animal like the dog in 'A dogs tale' of Complicite theatre.
 In tutorial, we discussed our up coming performance 'Moments'. We said that it will all be based on the theme relationships and but not just one type of relationship, all different types and ranges otherwise it would be a lot less experimental. This differs from our original intentions because at first we decided on being creepy and abstract, this then changed to a theme of relationships as we naturally joined each other in partners which gave off the impression of couples. I thought that this was a really brave idea as when relationships are used in performances they are usually very easy to guess what will happen and get very boring as they can be quite repetitive too. We will improvise around out text quotes that we have overheard, but will use a lot of dynamics over the text so that it is more expressive and better to watch. It makes it more interesting if we take out speech because you have to think more about how to be more obvious in what you are trying to say. This shows the audience a whole new range of organic movements and can make them feel more involved as they are trying to figure out what you are doing.
 This also makes the performance a lot less restrictive and more based on real life. This then brought us onto making the decision of working in pairs in sync with each other. This is because it will then vary the piece and will show contact and physical activity, but with no dialogue. It will be abstract and also really grotesque in the way that we move around.
 We started to play around with this idea and came up with mimes, clowns and weird creatures. I really liked this idea because it made everybody come out of their shell and be more involved in the piece altogether. This was also really positive because it made the performance a lot more interesting and funny to watch, rather than being all serious in my opinion. Being over the top gave the piece a bigger variety in what you could do, which then made it look really great in the factor of a performance.
 We also decided to use motif in breaking up the scenes, small pieces of different groups to keep the piece flowing all the way through.
 We are now putting the scenes altogether and creating our final piece. I really enjoy it so far, it is fun to work on and we have so many ideas to work with we are not lost at all. My strengths in what we have so far is probably working in groups and creating a piece for the performance together. My weaknesses in my opinion however are my confidence when working alone as I do not then perform to the best of my ability.

 We then worked on our poems, reading them out individually and gaining feedback in what was good and what we need to work on. I read out 'Love songs in age' by Phillip Larkin, which I later changed to 'Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll. The feedback I got from Love songs in age will still make an impact on reading out my final chosen poem. My feedback from Daniel was that I need to be louder when performing my poem, and also that I need to vary my tone in speech because I was quite monotone. I will remember this when reading out my poem again and will hopefully be a lot better too.

 I created a Star which was my task for the week. I chose my task to be 'to keep up with blogs', as I was starting to forget to do them as much as I should be doing. I feel that I have so far kept to my target and I am up to date in blogs and everything else that needs to be done on my course. All of my coursework is up to date so far and I hopefully am not behind on anything that should of been done. Creating a task has really helped me remember to do my coursework because it made me think about it and really push myself to work harder to achieve my final goal. I will make more Stars if I ever feel I am behind because in my opinion, they really help!

1 comment:

  1. There are some good links emerging throughout your blog - examples of how you are connecting the research and theoretical study with the practical work that we are carrying out. You are keeping a good journal, now, keep it up.
    I've corrected a few bits of spelling and things like that - I've put a file in your dropbox folder which shows you where they are.
